Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

what a ride

cleaning out my computer and ran across some old files....original montage and study model. seems like ancient history when we had no idea if we would ever be able to build or not. it was pure fantasy land. babygirl was so little. we did it. ill try not to cry now.

Monday, March 9, 2009

shots masako

a few more shots from masako..they will trickle in over the next few days......enjoy!


MASAKO nights

a friend of ours MASAKO came by to take a bunch of pics. will post a more later but this is the first of many fantastic shots.

u dig?


Monday, March 2, 2009

GOOD times....

we had a very nice turnout on saturday. thanks to all those who stopped by. house is still holes in the walls...nobody fell off the roof terrace or in the pond. no fights....
GOOD times.

amazing thing is..many of the neighbors dropped by to introduce themselves...and to let us know how much they love the house. thats great and all but kind of disappointing because we dont have any stories to tell of protests with people chanting no gas stations or office buildings in their neighborhood. nobody had to move away because they get sick everytime they drive by...nothing. just "wow...we love it" thats no fun.

more pics soon.
