Monday, May 21, 2007

Elevations and whatnots

Since it's most likely that, because of the impending rain, we won't be able to make much progress on the house, and I have been obsessing over getting *something* done, I'll post some pix instead.

This is what the lot looked like when we first bought it. There's a house at the top of the hill (on the right) and one on the bottom (on the left). Majority of that green stuff is THE LOT:
Street Montage

Here's the entryway:

Here's the view from the back (so you're standing from the spring's edge looking back):

And the floorplans:
Floorplans and elevations

More pictures on our flickr site.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

So it begins...

My husband (C) and I are building our first home. This is my side of the story. So far...
  • Nov 2004 - bought the lot. We had to - it's beautiful!
  • 2005 - too broke to do anything. In the meantime, C is coming up with the design and plans for the house. It has gone through many revisions; I don't even remember.
  • Early 2006 - still too broke
  • Mid 2006 - not so broke
  • Sep 2006 - have money now to get the soil survey. C and his crew take down a lot of the trees and we now have a very rudimentary driveway. But it's only for the truck to get the survey sample.
  • Feb 2007 - got our construction loan
  • April 2007 - we got our building permit - yay!
  • May 2007 - we start "real" construction, first task: the piers

Well with the rain these past couple of weeks, it had been difficult to get the foundation started. This past Monday, C was at the lot to mark out the piers, clear more brush, twigs, etc. This is what it looked like by the end of the day:

Wednesday, the crew went out to drill for the piers:

Unfortunately, they hit water before getting to the requisite depth so they had to stop. This comes as no surprise since we had the soil survey already but were just hoping the piers did not need casings. But they do. So more preparation to do this weekend and hopefully, we'll have piers.