Monday, May 21, 2007

Elevations and whatnots

Since it's most likely that, because of the impending rain, we won't be able to make much progress on the house, and I have been obsessing over getting *something* done, I'll post some pix instead.

This is what the lot looked like when we first bought it. There's a house at the top of the hill (on the right) and one on the bottom (on the left). Majority of that green stuff is THE LOT:
Street Montage

Here's the entryway:

Here's the view from the back (so you're standing from the spring's edge looking back):

And the floorplans:
Floorplans and elevations

More pictures on our flickr site.


robert carnochan said...

This is SOOOOOO beautiful - very impressive! Where are you located?


mamachill said...

Thanks! And congrats to you too!

We're actually not that far from you - Arlington :)

I checked out your blog - will have to check out Agave next time we're done in Austin. I hadn't heard anything about it until I saw your blog - looks promising!

robert carnochan said...

agave will be a nice community when all is said and done - the process has bben loooooooong and painful however.

Who is the architect of your house - it has a Bercy Chen (from Austin) look to it.

mamachill said...

no. the designer is chris hill of studio[MUD]. we would say bercy-chen's work has a studio[MUD] look to it...they just happened to get stuff built first

of course, we wouldn't say that if we didn't know them already ;)